Monday, June 15, 2009

So much goodness

I knew this summer was going to be incredible, and there is still so much to look forward to, but less than two weeks into June I am already blown away by all the Good Times that have been had.

The Awesome really started with Winnie's visit about a month ago. Despite the universe's best efforts (our foiled plans include barbecue at Bucky's, calzones at Barley's, getting our nails done at my favorite place, and seeing Sabrina at the Midnight Movies in the park), we managed to have a wonderful time, the highlight probably being a three-hour dipnon-esque dinner at Smoke on the Water and subsequent beer pong at Craig's.

The good cheer followed us to Cincinnati, a destination reached by myself and Winnie via the beautiful Smokey Mountains. We took turns driving, napping and reading aloud to each other. And then, the wedding, which produced an impressive amount of memories considering the short time span: the hotel concierge trying to give Hannah and me a room with just one king-size bed, running on the country roads with Hannah, Kristen's date forgetting his pants for the wedding, Ryan Walsh throwing a classic Walsh party in his hotel room, getting to swoon over my recently-single crush-to-end-all-crushes, and just getting to spend precious time with Hannah, Kristen, and Courtney. Sigh.

May wasn't done with me yet- Memorial Weekend brought me the fulfillment of a lifelong dream: seeing Sister Hazel live in concert. The price tag on this once-in-a-lifetime experience? (seriously these guys have got to be like 90 by now; they may not be around much longer) $7.50. As far as dream fulfillment goes, I call that a bargain. And you know how much I love bargains. But the show was great; it was the first concert I've been to where I knew every word to every song since I saw NSYNC in ninth grade (For the record, if they ever do a reunion tour, I should warn you all now that I am quitting my job and following them across the country. Sushi, I expect no less from you). And afterward, we snuck through backyards, Stacey and I holding hands out of fear, following the boys against our better judgment (against our lesser judgment, too), and roasted marshmallows on the grill while we listened to the sounds of Gavin Degraw drifting over from the park and into Craig's windows.

Which pretty much brings us to June but that's a whole new set of stories...


JHitts said...

Sister Hazel? Who was opening for them, Candlebox and Brian VanderArk?

Karen Renee said...

shut up, Jack. Don't you ruin this for me.

Anonymous said...

um dude, if i have to sell a kidney, we will BE at every one of those concerts.

but the only song i ever knew by sister hazel was "All for you" i didn't even know that they had more.

oh p.s. - was stuck late at work last night and started reminiscing about boybands that were not nsync with a friend of mine. and we started talking about Five/5ive/5 whatever, and then youtubing the videos. oh man, you need to re-watch the "When the Lights Go Out" video. glorious.

p.p.s. - i am an asshat and totally missed your birthday - happy belated and email me your address so i can send you presents.