Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blue Bell Tastes "Just Like the Good 'ol Days"

Thanksgiving 2009 was a holiday that Must be Blogged About, but it will have to wait for now. At the moment, there are more pressing matters.

Today, I hopped over to the Nielsen homestead for a quick panini lunch. Alycia does, true to her word, make a mean panini, but the deliciousness of the grilled sandwich was quickly overshadowed by dessert:

Blue Bell White Chocolate Almond Ice Cream


I'm pretty sure Blue Bell can only be found in the south, so for all you saps in the north: too damn bad, as they say. Sorry, sorry, that lacked compassion: It is sad for all you Yankees. Enjoy your many liberties. I'll enjoy another bowl of Blue Bell.

I should produce commercials.

Clearly this delicious post-dinner treat is causing me to lose it a little.

Seriously, though, about this ice cream- it's soooooooo good. And when i went to the website today to check it out, I discovered it's a seasonal flavor so you can bet your patootie I'll be celebrating Advent like it's 1 BC by eating my body weight in creamy white chocolate deliciousness.

Speaking of which, Happy Advent, y'all!

1 comment:

Dana in Georgia said...

I love the seasonal flavors. Last month at the church dinner, I shared Publix brand Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream. It was a hit.

I'll have to look for your Blue Bell selection. I like to serve peppermint ice cream with a dark chocolate cake for Christmas dinner.

Yummm ME!!