Monday, September 15, 2008

Still in the 90s

Living in the South will make you rethink your wardrobe choices.

Allow me to explain. At the beginning of the summer, I bought a pair of white demin shorts (white denim?? I know, what was I thinking? In my defense, they were $6 on clearance at the Gap) that I promptly returned within a week of taking up residence in South Carolina. It doesn’t matter how scandalously short or matronly loose-fitting they are, the feeling of denim against your skin when it’s 95 degrees and just as humid out can be described as ‘uncomfortable’ at best.

I’ve learned that fabric matters. When it came to work clothes at my office in Michigan, there was no real differentiation between summer and winter wear- typically it was colder with the AC on June than with the heater in January (see: cold, colder, and coldest), so it was tweed pants and sweaters all year round. But no more.

Gone are the lined pants and snug-fitting tops, packed away for colder days (presuming they ever actually visit this part of the country). It’s light, flowy blouses and linen capris for this girl; flip-flops and lots of pony-tails.

Unfortunately, it's taking me a while to adjust my wardrobe. As a result, I'm pretty sure the people of Greenville think I only own one pair of pants. Luckily, I don't get out much (but more on that later).

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